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The best books on Health, Nutrition & pH Balance


The pH Miracle

The original.  A must have for all health seekers.

Find it on Dr. Youngs Website, Amazon.com or at your local health food store or library!




The pH Miracle For Weight Loss

This is Dr. Youngs Latest book and could be called the pH Miracle for "whatever".

It's contents will teach you what you need to know about the program whether you have cancer, acne or a few extra lbs. to shed!

Find it on Dr. Youngs Website, Amazon.com or at your local health food store or library!

pH Miracle for Diabetes

Find it on Dr. Youngs Website, Amazon.com or at your local health food store or library!

A must read for health practicioners, diabetics or members of your family who have it!

Sick & Tired

This is an intense look into the history of alkaline acid research.

A prerequisite for anyone interested in this science.  Full of case studies and historical information this story takes you on a journey through the untold chapters in medical and biological history.

Find it on Dr. Youngs Website, Amazon.com or at your local health food store or library!

The Miraculous Properties of Alkaline Ionized Water

Find it on Amazon.com or at your local health food store or library!

A must read for all!

The Body's Many Cries For Water

Learn from a world renowned Medical Doctor the many ways your body is trying to tell you your thirsty.

Dr. Batman. will teach you about how the first step to better health is drinking more water.

Alkalize or Die,  Dr. Theodore A Baroody

Reverse Aging, by Sang Whang

Blood and its Third Anatomical Element, by  A. Bechamp

The Hidden Messages in Water,  Masaru Emoto

The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health, by Thomas Rau, M.D.

Concious Eating by Gabriel Cousens MD

By Anne Wigmore

By Anne Wigmore